kirok Docs


Frontend logic library

> go run init

High performance

Kirok compiles your code to WebAssembly with Kotlin/WASM so your code runs fast.


Write your logic and use it in your frontend environment. You can focus on writing logic and showing it to users.

Simple code

// Index.kt
data class Index(var count: Int = 0)

fun init(): Index = Index()

fun add(model: Index) {
    model.count += 1
<!-- App.svelte -->

    import { useIndex } from "./kirok/Index";
    const [simpleCounter, { add }] = useIndex()

    <button on:click={() => add()}>{$simpleCounter.count}</button>

Cool performance

Calculate fibonacci numbers

A chart comparing the time it takes to calculate Fibonacci numbers in Chrome. A chart comparing the time it takes to calculate Fibonacci numbers in Firefox. Kirok compiles your code to WebAssembly with Kotlin/WASM so your code runs fast.

Get started

> go run init

Get Started
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